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Treiso is located at an altitude of 420 m, towering over the hills north of Alba, from which it is about 7 kilometers away. It is a town in the Bassa Langa that rises at the meeting point of five hills. Treiso, or Terzius, was situated on the "Magistra Langarum" road that led from Alba Pompeia towards Transalpine Gaul.

Since the territory is entirely hilly, reaching Treiso requires traveling along a road that winds through the nebbiolo, Barbaresco, and barbera vineyards.

The municipality of Treiso produces two DOCG wines, Barbaresco and Moscato d'Asti, as well as some DOC wines: Dolcetto d'Alba, Barbera d'Alba, and Langhe Nebbiolo.
They also produce hazelnuts of the appreciated quality Tonda gentile from the Langhe and cheeses, while the abundant availability of oak forests allows for the gathering of the prized White Truffle of Alba (Tuber Magnatum Pico).